Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It's time!!

We went in for Amy's scheduled doctor appointment this morning and the doctor was a little concerned about the growth differences between the boys. He has been concerned all along because baby B has always had more fluid than baby A, but until now they have been lockstep in growth. Since the doctor was planning on delivering the babies sometime this week he decided that today would be as good as any other day this week. He told us to go home, get our stuff and go to the hospital. And that's where we are now.

They just put Amy on the monitor to check the babies and we anticipate that sometime today we will have two little boys. I will try to post on the blog as soon as I can after they are born since I know there are a few of you out there waiting to hear.


*LaUrA* said...

oh my gosh! oh my gosh! I am freaking out for you!!! I am sooo excited!! I can't wait to see Carson and Cade! Amy I am sending up prayers for you that you will have a great delivery! Hope all goes well and can't wait to hear from you!!!

Ashley and Dave said...

Yipee! I am so excited for you! It is the best to, of course, not be pregnant anymore, but also to have your sweet babies to look at!

Anonymous said...

How exciting!! We hope all goes well! We can't wait to see these babies!

julie said...

Are they here yet?! Are they here yet?!? I'm so excited for you! What a funny way to go into labor.. "go home and come back!" But it's wonderful! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!! Good luck, I hope everything goes perfect. Can't wait to see them.

Jason, Amanda, Brayden and Dillon said...

What??!! Today??!! WOO HOO!! I hope it all goes perfect!! How exciting!!!!! Keep us posted!!

Nan and Aaron said...

We are praying for you!!! Keep us updated!!!! We love you sooo much and REALLY wish we could be there right now.

Kristin said...


I linked to your blog from Laura's. This is Kristin (Allen).
I just wanted to tell you how happy I am for you guys. My thoughts and prayers are with you guys! This is such an exciting time for you all! Congratulations! I can't wait to see your little boy's!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!! Good luck, I hope everything goes perfect. Can't wait to see them.

Anonymous said...

YEAH!! Good luck, I hope everything goes perfect. Can't wait to see them.

Anonymous said...

YEAH!! Good luck, I hope everything goes perfect. Can't wait to see them.

Anonymous said...

okay sorry, i am not sure why that message went to you a million times:)

Lara said...

Good luck Amy and Sean! SO excited for you!!

Emily said...

Good luck! And congratulations!