Monday, June 23, 2008

On a Diet!

So, Shane and I officially started our diet last Thursday. It is something that I have been needing to do for quite some time now but I'm still nursing the twins and didn't want to do anything too soon. I have a few extra pounds to shed to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I have been able to wear my normal jeans for awhile now...the weight is all lingering in the mid-section. UGH!!! I hate it. So, Shane decided to help me out a little and committed to the diet with me. It is always so much easier when you do it with someone else. We started on Thursday and both had a pretty good day. I made Shane his lunch and he happily ate it without any complaints. At the end of the day, we commented to each other that it is kind of fun to do it together. We found ourselves calling each other throughout the day..."Did you eat your lunch yet?" "Are you feeling hungry at all?" Needless to say, we were pretty into it. Today is Monday. Today it's a different story!!! We have been complaining and gripping all weekend. Diets STINK! As I was making our little meals Saturday and Sunday, Shane would look at me and say, "Ummm, tell me again why we are doing this?" We were feeling so sorry for ourselves...I mean, we had been on a diet for THREE WHOLE DAYS!!! So, we bought some treats for our Sunday School class...BIG mistake. The classes ended up combining and we didn't even open the bag! We were doing really well while we didn't have any temptations in the house. Now that we had a big bag of chocolate all to ourselves, we realized how pathetic we both are. We broke down and acted like we had never had tasted sweets in our lives...we caved...and completely undid everything we had worked so hard to do the previous couple of days. ZERO self-control I tell you! Why is it so hard? I'm never going to get to my target at this rate. Last night we re-committed ourselves and are going to try to do better this that we got our sugar/chocolate fix. Hopefully we can stick to it and do a little better. I'm with Katy, if only blogging helped us to shed a few extra pounds. If that were the case, I'm sure I would have reached my target weight by now!!!


julie said...

Oh you can do it!!! It's so hard though huh? A little while after I had Liam, I did Weight Watchers, I think I did it for about a week before I gave up. So much will power! Just pretend you don't care about food. :) If only I could not care about dessert! Good luck!

Katy said...


I have decided that I'm not going to diet. I am going to change my eating habits. They aren't that bad per say... I just need portion control, more veggies and to eat less and move more. We will see how that goes. Good LucK with your plan!

I haven't been at my 'target weight' since 3rd grade.

*LaUrA* said...

hhmmm...I could be totally off...but from looking at pictures of you...I would venture to guess that you are not really carrying "extra weight" the form of fat...but rather you have a "baby belly"...which after having twins in stretched out and may seem like fat but isn't. In time it will shrink (though many baby bellies will always be loose unless you work out all day!;) I would jsut say some toning exercise is really all you need...especially nursing 2 babies I just don't see how you could need to diet!

but that is totally me...and if you are on a diet that restricts you from having certain foods and treats then you are on the wrong one because you can't do that forever...try weight watchers if you want something that will allow you to eat the foods you like...that way you can work in a chocolate and as long as you account for the points then it is totally allowed and you will still lose weight!

But obviously I am not someone to listen to when it comes to this matter or I would be half the size I am;) So good luck in whatever you do...and if it counts at all I think you look great!

Unknown said...

The $300 prize from a contest at work turned out to be a good incentive for me. :)

In the end, the thing that did the most for me was increasing my activity level, while not eating more to compensate for additional energy used. Brooke has done a good job of cooking healthier meals, without cutting out everything that we like to eat. Diets have never appealed to me very much.

Claire said...

After I had Addy I did this thing called a fitness challenge. It was awesome because it was realistic...and you could still have sweets (3 times a week rather than 3 times a day for me!) I'll have to forward it to you...if I can find it. Because I really should do it again this time too. Hey, we could do it together! I have about 7 extra pounds that are lingering that I'd like to get rid of so I can comfortably fit into my jeans. and I can totally tell what areas are bigger on me that weren't there before :( I hear ya though, my weakness is the sweets for sure.

Cara said...

Amy, I love it and hate it too. I love that I am not the only one that doesn't have self control and hate the baby fat battle. Every time Kyle leaves he asks me if there is anything that he can get me while he is out. And I respond every time with "a treat." But last time I said nothing, is that progress? I am not an expert but what I learned in school is to change your behavior 80-90% of the time and allow yourself some rewards or room for moments of weakness. If you and Shane went by this, Sunday evening was that 10%. No biggie. I, on the other hand, have a hard time restricting my diet but do better exercising for a purpose. So I'm going to train for a triathlon in Aug. You can do it with me. Remember when we worked out together, man, we were good.

Lara said...

You are my new best friend. I'm so glad I'm not the only one with self control issues. Yet I don't think I could even last 4 hours. A girl gets hungry.

Ashley and Dave said...

This is the story of my life. You are not alone! :)