Thursday, January 3, 2008

Campin' out in Twin!!!

I thought I would post a quick update. We didn't put a lot of text with our pictures. Our trip to Twin Falls for Christmas was a huge success and I'm so glad we decided to load up the boys to be with family. My parents have been great...rearranging the house to accomodate us. I am so greatful for their flexibility. Shane is back in Boise for work, but I decided to stay a little longer. My sisters are here and I have some extra help. Aaron, Nan, and Dillon will be here in two days so I thought I'd stay and spend time with them...and enjoy more help!!! I know I need to break away and do this on my own, but I figure that help won't be available like it is now forever so I better take it while I can! There's lots of time to be on my own...right!!!

The boys are growing like weeds!!! I can't believe how big they are getting. They are still so small, but they are looking pretty chubbs to me...considering where they've come!!! They are just the sweetest babes. I'm a lucky mama! I'm looking forward to the time of more sleep, but most experienced moms tell me that it won't happen until they are grown and out of the house!

I feel like a new woman with my hair chopped! I had lots of time to prepare for it while I was in the hospital! I love takes like 5 minutes to do and more time is what I need most!!!
It's been fun to see all our friends and family over the holidays! We are grateful for continued love and support. We still have more pictures to post soon!!!


Nan and Aaron said...

We always love reading your updates so keep them coming. You better believe we'll be helping while we are there. I am so glad you decided to stick around. See you soon!!!

Jessica said...

Gosh they don't even look like babies! They look like tiny little MEN! They are so cute. I just can't get over how adorable and perfect they are!

Glad you're taking time to be with fam. I'm so proud of you and how well you're adjusting. Way to go. : )

Anonymous said...

They are so cute! That is great that you were able to go to Twin for Christmas. I like your haircut too! We hope to come to Boise the end of January sometime so I will give you a call. We need to come meet these little boys!

Carrie said...

I LOVE your hair! You look so beautiful and your boys are so sweet.

Anonymous said...

So glad you've had a great holiday! Very cute pictures of the boys--they're getting so big! And I love your hair!!! Fabulous AND easy!

Katy said...

sorry I didn't make it over, we have to leave earlier than expected to miss a blizzard near Tahoe. I wanted to come!
Your boys are darling. It was great to see you. Enjoy the help.

Carol Lambert said...

Love the pictures of the boys, grandparents, aunts,(where is Luke??)and the parents! Also love the haircut, Amy. So much work, so much fun, and so many blessings -- everything doubled by two!
Aunt Carol

(me)linda said...

Amy- Your boys are beautiful!!! You have a family! Crazy. It seems like just yesterday you were pretty much newly weds and we were neighbors. I forget you guys are still here in Boise. Absolutely if you ever need a hand, I'm yours! Take care,
Melinda (Quigley) Hough

Unknown said...

Good question Carol! I didn't think i was That bad at handling little Carson and Cade! Actually i'd have to say i got pretty good at holding those cute little boys after two weeks of Christmas break, they are great. Amy and Shane--you're both awesome and you keep going day and night with so much love for Carson and Cade. Keep it up, and have fun with Aaron, Nan, and Dillon!