Friday, June 25, 2010

Garage Sale Treasure

Behold our dining table and chairs. They have been so good to us. But lately have seemed a little out-of-place in my kitchen. For awhile now, I've had my eyes peeled for good deals on a kitchen table. And a good deal I found. Oh...this set is now for sale if you know someone who might want it.
We have been shopping garage sales. For some reason it is just so fun...people swapping junk. But you never know what you're going to find. I think that's why it's so fun. Anyway, I found this table. The guy selling it (who also happens to be the Idaho Steel Heads hockey coach) made it. Simple but sturdy. Sits 6 people. It was dirty and had wax spots on the top of it. I saw huge potential. Then I was told how much they wanted. 1 WHOLE DOLLAR. That's right people...100 pennies got me this beauty.

And I turned it into this beauty.

I started by sanding it all down and then primed it.

Painted it solid black. I used all the stuff I had leftover from my kitchen cabinet project.

Then I sanded the edges.

And distressed the top.

The final step was a stain.

Welcome to your new home table!

I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out. In fact, I am a little bit in love with my 1 dollar table.
If only we had some matching chairs so we could sit around it! I'm on the hunt if anyone knows a good and inexpensive place to find some (I have my eyes on IKEA). In the meantime, I will be garage-sale-ing.


Cara said...

It looks great. You did a great job distressing it. Did you use your hand sander? Yahoo for yard sales.

Amber said...

it turned out SO CUTE!!! that was a deal of a lifetime. i can't believe it was a dollar

CHELZERS said...

That looks AWESOME!! You could keep your old chairs and paint them a contrasting color, like dark red and do some distressing? Either way, it looks stunning!! Way to go!!

The Wilker Family said...

Love it!! It looks so great and I love how you distressed it! Good for you!

*LaUrA* said...

I LOVE it!! Good job...and I can't believe it was only a buck! Garage sales are fun...I never wake up early enough though. :( But I have had a change of heart with Goodwill...I still feel slightly dirty and like I have contracted head lice when I am in there...but it is fun to dig through all the bins and search for treasure. I haven't really found anything special yet...but we did get a dryer for 10 bucks that Josh opened up and fixed and we now rent out to a tenant for 30.00 a month. Instant return and it keeps giving month after month...haha!

Des said...

It looks AWESOME. awesome awesome awesome. Good job. Did you put a clear coat on top? Do you have a fav like wipe on poly or spray?
I think it would be fun to find chair that are fun shapes and different backs and paint the colorful. Or just black...but having the different styles would make it unique.??

Emily said...

Good job, Amy! I love it!

Anonymous said...

So awesome!! Good job! Looks so great with your cupboards. Can't beat that deal.

(me)linda said...

Your kitchen is seriously so cute. Way to go!

PS: We totally need to get together. I'd love to chat with you about Brenden, plus it'd just be really fun to see you!

Cheri said...

I LOVE garage saling and I LOVE the table! And for only a dollar, wow. Where was I on that deal?

MariePhotographie said...

Looks awesome! I can't believe that deal! Holy smokes!

We also bought a table recently and have been refinishing it--it's not any easy task! I'm still working on all the chairs.

Justin and JoLyn said...

Amy--that is amazing. It looks oh so cool.

Jason, Amanda, Brayden and Dillon said...

One more reason I miss ya. Please move closer. ps...I love the table! :)