Friday, November 27, 2009

Deer in the Headlights...literally.

We had a great Thanksgiving Day in Twin with the fam. We got in the car (Shane's car...1st freeway debut) at a time that would get us back to Boise at a decent hour. But it was still dark. Half way through the drive, around Bliss, we hit a deer. Seriously. In Shane's new car. Seriously??? It was actually a blessing to be in the Mazda. Had we been in our Jeep, we probably would have creamed that deer. The Mazda slows down to a stop much quicker. But still, we were going average freeway speed. There was a truck in the lane next to us which forced us to just stay in our lane. Amazingly enough, Shane literally stood on the brakes (thank goodness there was not a car behind us) and we were able to almost come to a complete stop on the freeway before hitting it. But we still hit it. It was scary. And it could have been so much worse. Hitting it at full speed would have been horrible.

It got our headlight only. Too bad the headlights on this beloved car are around $400 each to replace! Shane is really bummed, as you can imagine. But life happens. And it really was a blessing to be driving that car. Just another lesson that it is not "stuff" that is important. In the end, it is just "stuff." I'm just happy we weren't hurt. And for those of you concerned about the deer. We hit it's bum and legs, but it was able to walk off the road. We think he's OK.

The deer fur is a nice touch, isn't it?!?


Justin and JoLyn said...

So glad you're okay! How scary!

Huszar Family - Idaho said...

WOW Amy, so glad you guys are all ok. It is soo scary, we hit one once going slow. Hope the boys had a good birthday, I was thinking of you guys yesterday!

Anonymous said...

geez! glad that you are okay! how scary! .. love the deer fur, brings out the color in the bummer ;)

Ash said...

Scary! I'm glad it turned out ok, bummer on the headlight though. We had a similar experience with my husbands car, well no deer, just needed replacing, check the junk yards and there are lots of discount car part places on-line, it will still cost a lot, but maybe not $400!

Cara said...

So sad. Don't you just hate those things you just can't control? Deer and Drunk drivers, specifically.
I'm glad you are okay and that it wasn't any worse.

I can't believe that your boys are two. Two years goes by so fast. I hope your kids get better soon and that you survive the sickness too. We need to get together for a play date soon.

Jason, Amanda, Brayden and Dillon said...

Holy Smokes! I hope it wasn't Rudolph.....Santa has really got to make it to our house this year :)
SOOO glad you are all okay!!

Claire said...

oooh, that stinks about the deer! Just glad you guys are ok! And I'm sorry Carson's not feeling well. I know what you mean though about the cuddling. At least there's one good thing about having a sick kid. Hope it's only 1 and not the other! Good luck!