Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Recliner Photo Shoot!

So, for awhile now I've used our recliner to take some pictures of the boys together. It has worked fairly well in the past and it had been awhile since I'd done it. It was time...only it didn't go the way that I expected. They are getting so squirly and just couldn't hold still for very long. On top of that, Carson was ready for his nap and was NOT in the you can tell in the pictures. Cade, on the other hand, had just gotten up from his nap and was in a super happy mood and was performing like no other!!! Made for some interesting pictures. You can see, they start out okay and well, you can see what happened from there! Enjoy!

Getting a little more distracted. How can you resist feet???

Ya...this isn't working too well.

Alright, starting to poke at at each other.

This is when we ended our photo session. I always tell them to stay on their own sides but they don't seem to listen. Go figure!!!:)

The Faces of Cade

It is about time the boys had their own post. I think they've had to share every one of the them...poor things!!! So, we'll start with Cade!

The Faces of Carson

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

RC truck

Here's Cade playing with the remote control truck that Shane received for father's day from his parents. It was an instant hit with the boys as you can see.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mom Struggles

You know that it is serious when I have a big, wordy post. It's that time again. Change and growth is all bittersweet. I love that the boys are growing and learning new things but it also brings on new challenges as well. Right when I have it all figured out, I get a hit to the head and feel humbled because all of a sudden I am FAR from having it all figured out. Let me expound a little bit.

Nap time and bed time had its challenges in the beginning but for awhile now it hasn't been too bad. For the most part, getting them down for their naps and for bed has gone smoothly. Until now!!! I used to be able to just wrap them up, cuddle for a minute and put them in their beds. They would fall asleep on their own and I could start with the next baby. Most of the time, the one that was waiting was a little fussy and impatient so I tended to get in a hurry in the whole process. Well, they are growing out of the wrap up/swaddle thing but I still use it as their cue that it is time to go to sleep. That has worked okay. Now that they are more mobile, it has greatly complicated things...basically it has rocked my little world!!! Right when I put them in their beds, they start rolling all over the place, lose their binkies and just start playing. So, I start over and have been cuddling them much longer before putting them down hoping to get them more to sleep before putting them down. This works at times and then other times doesn't at all. They'll be almost asleep and as soon as I lay them down, they are up! AHH!!!! Let me remind you that as all this is happening, my other child is somewhere in the background crying. Tends to play on my nerves a bit! So, needless to say, by the time bedtime rolls around my nerves are shot and I have close to ZERO patience left and by the time they are both asleep I am on the verge of tears. Carson is really hard right now just because he doesn't really like to be cuddled. He likes you to hold him and sit him on your lap but not so much the cuddle thing. I find myself thinking, what do I do with this child??? Just let him cry it out and get himself to sleep? I am finding that if I let him fuss a little, he'll then go to sleep a little easier. Sad but true.

So I ask, how do you put a baby to sleep at this age??? I'm at my whit's end here. I'm also trying to get them to drop their 3rd nap right now...that isn't going so well either!:) I feel like it would help to narrow it down to two naps and bedtime rather than having to put them down three times and then bed. It is just SO time consuming...when I'm doing it alone, it takes me forever before they are both happily snoozing.

One last thought, why did I ever think they would be okay...or that I would be okay with them sharing a room!!! That has been the hardest thing about it all. I will have just gotten one boy to sleep, start on the other just to find that in the process the sleeping baby is now awake! At this point, they are separated. I just can't handle it. It stresses me out big time. Carson's bed is the pack-and-play in the office right now. So, I walk back and forth from room to room trying get these boys asleep while feeling a bit like a crazy person!. I also feel guilty everytime I look at the empty crib and am feeling tempted to just move it to the other room. Here's my problem, the nursery is decorated so cute and it would throw it all off to move half of it out!!! Trivial, I know, but it really bugs me!!!:)

Alright all you genious mothers out there, HELP ME!!!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Fun Pictures

I couldn't narrow down my you get them all!!!

We spent some time with the Huszars this weekend...on their beautiful mountain. We finally got a picture with the boys and their new friend Emery.

An attempted family needs to be lightened a bit!

Christy with Emery and me with the boys. We were looking at Jason's camera instead of Shane but this one was good of all three babies!

Carson has LOTS to say!

Look at that irresistible face!!!

Cade's cute little profile.

This is Carson's "I want a kiss" face.

Cade...just jumpin'!!!

How precious is that face?!?

And this one too! Can't get enough of them.

Little Indian Boy

This is one of Carson's favorite games. He likes to make lots of noise and this just gives him a little more variety in his sounds! Cade thinks it's fun too and has figured out how to do it on his cute!

More Goofy Giggles

So the last video we posted of Cade giggling was him laughing at the words "Icky Poop Stink!" The other day, I let a little burp slip out...I know, not very lady-like. Anyway, once again out of the blue, Cade gets the giggles. I grabbed the camera and kept giving him some fake burps...and this is what I got in return!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Game of Memory!

Alright, I'm following suit with the memory tag. This has been really fun. I've been reading some of the memories that have been posted for other friends and have been laughing non-stop!!! I can't help but to join the fun!

1. Add a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments. I can't wait to see what people remember.

***Isn't this cute? I tag EVERYONE!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Squeaky Clean!

Attention all you TwinFallsians! Just wanted to put a plug in for my Mom's new store. The Grand Opening started today and it is a happenin' place! Don Aslett himself is there through the entire weekend putting on seminars and demonstrations of the product. You seriously need to try some of this stuff out...pretty much amazing! The mops are super popular along with a lot of the bathroom cleaners. But you name it, they have it! Along with the seminars, they are doing daily giveaways. You could win a vaccuum...a dang good vaccuum at that! So, go check it out. The only use the product, you have to clean. That's never a fun thing. I just put on some good tunes...makes cleaning way more fun!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Still Playing in Twin!

Auntie Lauren is so good with the boys. They LOVE her...mostly because she sings to them and gives them TONS of attention. Thanks Lauren...will you just come live with me?!?:)

Cade eating a coaster with Grandma Lori before going to bed.

Carson with his first attempt at a biter biscuit. He just wanted me to hold it for him. He would hold onto it for two seconds before dropping it. We'll keep working on it!!!

Cade really liked it and worked on it forever. SO MESSY!!!

More to come!!!

Working on my "To Do" List

My hair was in desperate need of an updated cut. I go to BeeJae in Twin...she does such a good job that I don't want to ever go to anyone in Boise. I just got it done yesterday. Shane is still in Boise and wanted some updated pictures of the cut, so these are for him! I always feel stupid with self-portraits but here they are.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

We are happy to be spending the 4th with our families in Twin Falls. I've been hanging out for a couple of days now and Shane joined us today. So nice that the holiday landed on a Friday...yea for 3-day weekends! We'll update soon with more pictures with family. Happy Independance Day!!!
Carson was just getting ready to take a nap. We took the boys out shopping and pushed them to their limit! He was much in the mood for smiling!
Caders right before his nap as well. Also tired...geez Mom, stop trying to take more pictures already! I just had to show off their 4th of July outfits. They looked very patriotic!!!

Celebrating the 4th with some of the Tucker cousins. Cade, Austin, & Carson.

Clayton wanted to join in on the fun!