Saturday, October 13, 2007

29 weeks!!

It's time for another update. The 29-week mark was yesterday and we're really happy about that milestone. The 28-week point was probably the most significant in terms of risk of long-term complications for the boys and we're glad to be out of that area.

Amy had an ultrasound yesterday and she is doing well and progressing as expected. The doctor also mentioned that the boys look good as they have all along. I have posted the two pictures of the boys from yesterday's ultrasound. If you're not excited about alien-looking babies you may not want to look at them. It was pretty exciting to be able to see so much detail in their faces.

Amy's spirit were lifted this week when she was reunited with her blow dryer. You read that correctly, she was excited about her blow dryer. She's now more excited to get out of bed and shower every day because she doesn't have to climb back into bed with wet hair.


*LaUrA* said...

Your baby has got one nice looking heart there. I love ultrasound pictures...but I must admit...that open eye one I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley anytime soon...hahaha I am a dork. But way to go on making it 29 weeks!! You are doing so well!!You still look so cute too!

Carol Lambert said...

Wow, your little boys are ready for HALLOWEEN! They are actually very good looking, but it is probably good they have a few more weeks to work on their public faces! WE ARE SO THRILLED THAT YOU ARE STILL HANGIN' IN THERE AND GROWIN' THOSE BOYS! Keep it up and they will be running around and driving you crazy before you know it! All our prayers, faith, and love are with you -- every minute of every day. Gord & Carol

Jessica said...

Way to go Amy!!! I'm so excited for you guys!