Monday, June 11, 2012


Wow. I have completely fallen lame in the blog world.  I blame it all on my iPhone.  Getting that thing totally shook up my regular world of technology.  I'm still trying to find my new groove, and I'm not the greatest with change...I got my phone like 8 months ago.  But today is the start of a new week with new goals and I am getting my blog on!

There is nothing huge to report.  Life as usual.  Working the yard, riding bikes, working in the yard, going to the park, visiting the zoo, shopping garage sales like a mad woman, working in the yard, prepping for a little camping trip, continuing to fail in the dinner department...can't plan dinners/weekly menus for the life of me, checking adoption profile statistics and adoption email religiously (no news yet), counting down the days until Tom and Annette come home (19), counting down the days until we set sail to the Eastern Caribbean (32), stressing about leaving my children for said vacation, working in the yard, swimming, trying to enjoy exercising (also failing), missing friends who have moved (please come back!), and...last but not least...working in the yard!  Life as usual.

I'm so happy that summer is here and excited for all that it brings.  Our monthly schedules are filling up fast!  Carson and Cade are darling as ever.  They are learning and growing so much and are anxious to start their swimming lessons.  They ask daily when their birthday is coming and are trying desperately to understand the concept of time.  Carson asks a million questions a day (not even slightly exaggerating...spend 10 minutes with him and you'll understand).  He is extremely affectionate and wins the heart of every person he meets.  He is incredibly smart, yet still won't sleep in a bed!  Love him more than words.  Cade is still dressing up regularly and is just as stubborn as I am.  We tend to butt heads from time to time, both determined to never back down!  Too much alike I tell ya.  He is a mad man on two wheels and loves to show off his sweet skills.  He is a natural leader and always amazes me at his innate ability to lead and influence others.  He loves to tease and play games.  Once you give him a little time to warm up, he is sweet as candy.  Love him more than words.

Is June really almost half way over?  Time needs to slow down.  I can't seem to keep up.  No pictures for today.  I'm only in the beginning stages of dancing my new groove.  But...I'm feelin' it!        


Amber said...

Yay for all that great stuff you've been up to! Your boys are pretty great :)

MariePhotographie said...

I love your blog. Sounds like a lot of working in the yard! What are you doing back there? And I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only failing in the dinner department. If only we didn't have to eat. Then maybe we wouldn't have to exercise. I'm failing in that department, too! :)