Your little one year old (Cade) comes up to you, pokes your belly fat rolls, looks you in the eye & gets the giggles. What's even worse, when he won't stop doing it.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Sending Love & LOTS of Pictures!
Posted by Shane and Amy Jo at 1:33 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
One Down, Three To Go!
Posted by Shane and Amy Jo at 10:22 PM 11 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
Love My Love

Posted by Shane and Amy Jo at 12:06 PM 3 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Carson In The Bloglight!
Carson is a little man exploding with personality. If you've spent any time with him you know that just watching this boy can entertain for hours on end! Here are a few updates on Carson.
- Carson is all about facial expressions. He loves to copy & mimick any expression you throw his way. Along with expressions, he loves to copy sounds & noises. This is hilarious. He's not a man of many words (yet) but he has his signature sounds that put a smile on anyone's face.
- Watching Carson entertain himself is so funny. He hits everything. Not joking...everything! If it doesn't do something cool when he hits it, it's not worth his time or energy. His favorites are balls. He wacks 'em, they roll, he chases them, he wacks ' get the idea. He does this every day, all day.
- Carson gives loves by hugging your knees & legs...and slobbers all over them while he's at it!
- Carson is obsessed with ME (which always makes my day).
- This boy is always busy, busy, busy. I'm not sure what his rush is, but he's on a tight schedule and has lots to do. He's recently been given the nickname of "Happy Feet" by a family in our ward because he doesn't ever stop moving. I think it's a perfect name for him.
- He is full of so much energy and enthusiasm that sometimes he can't contain himself. He ends up just collasping on the floor because he is overcome with excitement. This, too, is hilarious.
- Carson loves to be chased, by anyone. This works out well with Cade. Cade will follow Carson, Carson thinks he's being chased, they both giggle. I love it!
Posted by Shane and Amy Jo at 7:22 PM 4 comments
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Let's Talk About Cade
As shown above, Cade is very chatty. He has been for awhile now. He'll hold a full blown conversation with you and I'm sure in his mind, his words and thoughts are completely clear. However, there are a few things that are becoming clear to the rest of us...okay maybe just to me & his Dad.
For the record:
- He has said "Hi" for a long time. Now he holds up the phone to his ear and says "Hi."
- On Wednesdays, our Garbage Man comes. This is the highlight of our day! The boys stand on the couch & look out the window every week, completely taken by the garbage truck. This last week, Cade pointed to it & said "guck" (truck). He has said it multiple times since then, when he plays with his trucks.
- He now is saying "cwack" (cracker) every time you hand him any kind of cracker.
- If you mention "bye, bye" at all, he walks himself to the door and gets super upset if you don't get him outside quick!
- Cade is a little terror around my house. He takes everything off on the end tables, but now he brings them all over to me. As much as I hate that my house always feels like a disaster, I love this part of it. Makes my heart melt.
- Whenever he's done eating, he lets you know by throwing everything left on his try to the ground. He has also started doing this in his bed. In the mornings & when he gets up from his naps, you find everything that was once in his bed on the floor...blanket, binkie, his soft plushy, milk.
- He is very observant. He watches Carson very closely & copies everything he does. This is SO cute, and I might add that it doesn't happen very often the other way around.
- He is such a Daddy's Boy. Shane loves this!
- He has some mad dance skills! Whenever music is on, he is quick to turn on his charm with his dancing.
Posted by Shane and Amy Jo at 1:31 PM 3 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
Just Jivin'
Posted by Shane and Amy Jo at 9:30 AM 4 comments