Wednesday, January 20, 2010

For the record...

A couple of weeks ago, the twinners went in for their 2 year check-up. They were both extremely friendly with the nurses and the doc got to witness their language skills first-hand. They are both doing well. They continue to grow & develop so differently for each other, which is expected. But it doesn't stop me from comparing them and thinking they should both be able to do everything like the other. Sometimes it really drives me crazy. I'm not a huge worry-wart in general but I can still make myself a little insane by comparing them...not to other kids necessarily...just to each other. Wow. Am I even making any sense?! Anyway, the appointment put me at ease with some of my concerns, mostly with Carson, and I'm just grateful they are both healthy and happy. Now to their physical growth. Have you seen this movie with Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger? That might be where we are heading!

Carson just keeps growing like crazy. Every time we go in, he's jumped 2-3 growth curves, rather than just staying steady & consistent on his own curve. He is now pretty average in the height department in the 45th percentile. 6 months ago, he was in the 30th. If he stays on this path, he'll be average height as an adult...around 5'9" or so which seems crazy to me given our genes. He weighs 26 lbs. which lands him in the 22nd percentile. Way to go Carson-man!

Cade is staying steady on his own little curve, which is barely on the charts. But this is how he's always been, so we're not too worried about it. He's weighing in at 22.5 lbs. which puts him in the 3rd percentile!!! He's a skinny little dude. He's in the 20th percentile for height, which is awesome for him! We're pretty sure he'll be taller than both me and Shane which we're happy to celebrate. He may even reach 5'5"!!! Yay Caders!!!

I get giddy thinking about these two going to school together...with loads of differences! I can't help but to think that we'll feel funny even referring to them as twins. But they are nonetheless.
I just love 'em!
On a completely unrelated note, I just finished The Hunger Games & it's sequel Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. Have you read them yet? If not, you really need to. I promise you won't regret it. I am anxious for the 3rd book, which sadly does not come out until summer.


Unknown said...

if if makes you feel better my sister has twin girls and they couldn't be any different. One looks a year older than the other and there is a huge height difference. Their personalities are totally different as well as their likes. You can see them on their blog, it's under my family link list and it's jennifer & Brian. I think it is great that they will have their own identity. My husband has twin cousins who look pretty darn alike and nobody can tell them apart always asking which one are you?? That has got to be annoying (it doesn't seem to bother them I guess, or so they say).

Jeremy and Debbie said...

That is so funny! Quentin is easily 20 lbs at 7 months. He is going to seem huge compared to your boys when he starts walking!!
Hope to see you soon!!!

Amber said...

you have such cute boys!! we need to have a limo-stroller party at the mall again soon!!!

Katy said...

I just finished catching fire yesterday. SO SO good. IN the meantime read the 'uglies' series. I am on the first one and am hooked already.

Elder Richey said...

Read them and loved them! So did Tim, we can't wait for the third one either. I know what you mean about your boys being twins but being so different--I feel that way, too. Our Eli is a teeny tiny one too. We call him our 4th percentile baby.

Guess what? I'm finally ready to return all of your stuff: the nursing pillow, the bumbo, the stroller. I officially graduated the boys to bigger carseats last week and we got a double stroller for them. Thank you for lending me those things!! Let me know when we can either get together or when I can just bring them to your house--whatever works better.

Justin and JoLyn said...

My 8 month old weights as much as Cade! Just finished Hunger Games! I'm anxiously waiting for my friend to finish Catching Fire so I can borrow it! Was it as good?

Claire said...

Carter is like Cade. He's small too, and I worry about it. He's a picky eater and I compare him to Addy who is an amazing eater. It's hard not to compare, probably especially with twins! I'm sure I worry more than I need to. Your boys are cute!